Post by Arno WelzelPost by N***@example.netPost by J.O. AhoPost by N***@example.netPost by J.O. AhoPost by N***@example.netThis does what I want, but only as a .PHP file. How do I get it into a
file named foo.html so I can have foo.html declare when it was last
$file = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
$break = Explode('/', $file);
$pfile = $break[count($break) - 1];
//echo $pfile;
echo "This file was last modified on: " .date("Y-m-d
I feel as if I'm almost there.
I won't comment on the code as Arno already done that, there is two
options, I would say one option is not up to you, so in reality you have
only one option (the last one)
1. Make the webserver to send .html files to tne php engine as it does
with the .php files.
2. Rename the .html file to .php
Uh oh. But I'm reading that I can embed php into a html file. Isn't
that possible?
The issue is that the web server will not treat each file it handles as
a php code, it will only look for files that ends with php, send those
to a PHP-engine which parses the file and executes the php code and then
hands back the output to the web server which then sends the output to
the end user (the visitor to your web page).
It's possible to allow .html/.htm files the same way, but then you need
the administration rights of the server, as you are using a shared
service, it means you don't have administrator privileges and those you
can't do the change.
Thanks for clarifying that. I don't control the server, but I've read
that those who do can allow html files to be scanned for php code.
Maybe my Web host has in fact done that. Would I be able to find some
notation about that in the Web host's phpinfo.php file?
Also, some scripts seem to work in html files and some don't.
The following is the entire code for a file I named hello_1.html
<title>PHP Test</title>
<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>
"Hello World
'; ?> "
in the browser. It's obviously got a little problem in the output, but
it did produce a mostly useful output.
No. The output comes from the fact, that PHP was *not* interpreted.
<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>
Just have a look at the source of the page which is displayed by the
Since <?php will treated by the browser as the beginning of a tag, it
will be omitted in the visible output. But "; ?>" is clearly left over
as the PHP code was *not* interpreted but just sent to the browser. The
result is then what you see.
If renaming everything from .html to .php you should look for a hosting
service which allows using .html with PHP as well. Technically this is
just a configuration in the webserver - however that is usually not
possible in shared hosting environments.
It is possible that I have gotten the magic words into the .htaccess
file and I think that I'm able to run PHP scripts from within HTML
files. Even so, I am thinking that I've really been going about this
the wrong way. I may need to learn how to inject HTML into PHP rather
than the other way around, which I've been trying to do.
Anyway, I cobbled together the following code after I seem to have
gotten the server to execute PHP inside every HTML file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>will php run in html now?</title>
<meta http-equiv="description" content="">
<meta http-equiv="keywords" content=",">
<meta http-equiv="distribution" content="global">
<meta http-equiv="resource-type" content="document">
<h1>Am I Going To Get it Now?</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p>
$file = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
$break = Explode('/', $file);
$pfile = $break[count($break) - 1];
echo "" .date("Y-m-d H:m",filemtime($pfile));
The output of that code was:
Am I Going To Get it Now?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Updated: 2021-07-02 18:07
That mostly looks okay. I have more to say on it, but I think I'll do
that in a separate post for reasons which I think will become obvious.